The Linksys WRTSL54GS Wireless-G Media Storage Link Router with Speedbooster is a versatile all-in-one Internet-sharing router, Wireless-G access point, and Network Storage Link that enables users to connect USB disk drives directly to their network. With the WRTSL54GS, you can give users on your network access to a hard drive or other portable storage device. This will allow you to share music files, video, photos, and much more seamlessly and securely. Linksys's WRTSL54GS connects wireless notebooks and up to four wired PCs to the Internet with easy, one-touch setup. View larger. The Linksys WRTSL54GS is really four devices in one box. First, there's the Wireless Access Point, which lets you connect Wireless-G, Wireless-B, and other performance-enhanced SpeedBooster devices to the network. SpeedBooster technology is a compatible add-on to standard [...]